Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Where to begin?

Welcome to warmer weather! Isn't it fabulous after the historic freeze of February? Spring is around the corner and I can't wait. I'm excited to see the hyacinths and daylilies stretching their arms up through the dirt and new leaves emerging on roses and clematis. Even the peonies are showing signs of life. I'm anxious to get in the garden, but what to do first? I should probably tackle the weeds that have also popped up. Lucky to have had the weed talk in class last week! I'll be hoe, hoe, hoeing the scorpion weed and applying pre-emergent elsewhere.

It's a good time to start planting dahlias, cannas, lilies, and gladioloi. Watch for new growth on established plants and remove what the frost damaged. Finish pruning roses and grapes. Check turf areas for grub activity. April is Hay Fever month, and you might want to identify any plants you have that are causing you misery and replace them. Examine all irrigation systems and make necessary repairs. Later in the month plant melons, vegetables, strawberries, raspberries, grapes and asparagus, and that's just the beginning of another fantastic growing season. Garden on!


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